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Slopa skönhetsideal och minska risken för cancer

Även om över 80 procent av alla patienter med malignt melanom i huden botas och prognosen förbättrats i och med att melanomet upptäcks i ett tidigt skede, så dör fler svenskar av melanom än i trafiken. Vårt orimliga förhållningssätt till solen sägs vara en avgörande orsak till ökningen av cancerformen.

Publicerad den: 2017-04-28


Att prognosen är så pass god och att majoriteten av de patienter som drabbats av malignt melanom i huden faktiskt botas är tack vare att melanomet upptäcks tidigt och därmed inte har hunnit sprida sig. Därför är det viktigt att regelbundet hålla koll på sin hud och att söka läkare vid misstänkta hudförändringar. Men något som är minst lika viktigt är att genom sina handlingar minska risken för att själv drabbas. Och det går.

Har du frågor om hudcancer? Få de besvarade av läkaren här! 

Osunt solande orsakar cancer 

En av de absolut främsta anledningarna till att så många drabbas av hudcancer har nämligen att göra med osunt solande. Att solen har stor inverkan säger sig självt i och med att hudcancer är vanligare bland vita människor ju närmare ekvatorn de bor.


Solens ultravioletta strålning orsakar skador i cellernas arvsmassa, vilket spelar stor roll för uppkomsten av malignt melanom. Risken för malignt melanom ökar hos personer som har utsatts för många brännskador av solljus eller solarium. Det anses vara särskilt riskabelt att få sådana skador som barn och ung, eftersom huden är mer sårbar än hos en vuxen.

Läs också: Följ med på undersökning av födelsemärken

Går att arbeta förebyggande 

För även om malignt melanom ökar snabbare än nästan alla andra tumörsjukdomar och att det sedan några år tillbaka dör fler svenskar av melanom än i trafiken, så går det att arbeta förebyggande.

På melanoma monday och för den delen alla andra dagar vill därför vi på Netdoktor särskilt uppmana till säkert solande och tidigt söka hjälp för misstänkta förändringar i huden.


Det här är bra att tänka på:

  • Har du mycket leverfläckar och födelsemärken kan det vara smart att själv ha koll på dess färg och form och vara uppmärksam på eventuella förändringar. Fota själv och jämför mellan gångerna. Om något oklart visar sig som att ett födelsemärke ändrar färg, form, växer eller kliar eller att ett sår inte läker på flera veckor så är det viktigt att söka vård. 
  • Sedan har vi det här med solen. Det är otroligt viktigt att tänka på att skydda sig och helt enkelt strunta i idealen som finns kring solbränd hud.
  • För det första är det lika bra att undvika solen när den är som starkast. Sök skugga eller stanna inomhus mellan klockan 11 och 15. Barn under ett år bör inte över huvudlaget utsättas för direkt solljus.
  • Ett ytterligare bra sätt är att skydda huden med kläder. En långärmad tröja, ett par sköna byxor och en solhatt räcker bra som skydd.
  • Även det att använda solskyddsmedel med hög faktor är bra där kläder inte skyddar. Detta minskar risken för hudskador, förutsatt att man inte förlänger tiden i solen. Använd vattenfast solskyddsmedel med hög faktor (gärna 50) och som skyddar mot både UVA- och UVB-strålning. Det är viktigt med ett tjockt lager om det ska ha någon effekt. Upprepa efter några timmar eller efter bad.
  • Sist men inte minst och kanske det enklaste rådet av dem alla. Sola inte solarium. Solning i solarium kan precis som naturlig solning ge upphov till hudcancer. Extra farligt är det för barn och ungdomar.

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  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 09:39 (8 år sen)

    Jag tror att det som är det viktiga är inte sol eller icke sol utan det gäller att hålla koll på vad man har för hudtyp, breddgrad, tid på dagen, molnighet samt tid i solen samt dess infallsvinkel på varje del av huden. Jag anser vidare att det är bättre att vistas i solen när det är helt klart eftersom man då lättare kan räkna tiden än då molnigheten växlar, då man kan bli lurad och få för mycket effektiv soltid (det går inte att räkna tiden tillräckligt exakt) .
    Dessutom tror jag inte att det är en god ide att inte barn under 1 år inte alls ska få vara i solen utan jag tror att de ska vara det, men under mycket kort tid. Detta för att deras hud på ett naturligt sätt ska utveckla en bättre förmåga till brunbildning och därmed naturligt solskydd för framtiden. Har man en mycket känslig hud är det bättre att vistas i skuggan de första av sommarens utevistelser eller stanna inne när solen står högt. Solskyddsoljor mm tror jag inte alls är bra eftersom de smörjs sällan på så tjockt som erfodras, de kan hamna ojämnt (vissa huddelar kan då brännas kraftigt om personen vistas länge i solen i tron att vara helt skyddad). Solskyddskrämer tror jag endast ska användas av de som måste vistas i solen och inte kan ha heltäckande klädsel. Sololjor och krämer innehåller många kemikalier vars effekt i samband med solstrålning kan misstänkas vara skadlig.

    Samt att undvika utlandsresor, våra ljusa nordiska hudtyuper är INTE avsedda för att tåla den upp till dubbelt så starka solstrålningen närmare vändkretsarna samt ännu närmare mot ekvatorn.
    Solarier tror jag inte heller är bra inte minst pga att de ofta anses ge en "falsk" solbränna som inte skyddar tillräckligt bra mot verklig solstrålning, och särskilt inte på semesterbreddgrader.

  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 00:24 (8 år sen)

    NOT ALL Sunscreen lotions sold in superstores are Good actually! In fact Sunscreen lotions have numerous combinations of chemicals that have been shown to block both UVA and UVB radiation exposure thus preventing sunburn. But these mixtures have also been shown to accelerate your risk of cancer and are linked to harmful health effects. Instead, consider natural strategies to optimize your time in the sun to boost your health without the use of chemical cocktails.

    UV radiation from sunlight naturally provides the body with essential stress. When the skin receives this stimulus from UV rays, a molecule on the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol is stimulated to convert it to the active form of vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) production is dependent on UVB radiation which is only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin called the epidermis.

    Cancer Risk and Vitamin D

    Today, vitamin D deficiency is an alarming epidemic affecting 90% of the world’s population. Vitamin D expert Michael Holick states that “we estimate that vitamin D is the most common medical condition in the world.” Clearly it is evident that the majority of individuals are not receiving healthy amounts of sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an elevated risk of nearly all types of cancers such as skin cancer as well as autoimmune and cardiovascular disease.

    Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that has been linked to excessive sun exposure. On the other hand, scientific research has shown that people who lather on sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma. Furthermore, individuals with melanoma who received greater amounts of sun exposure than did others who received less actually had a lower mortality rate. Those individuals with increased sun exposure were less prone to develop an aggressive type of tumor.

    Sunscreen Ingredients are a Toxic Soup

    Concerns regarding excessive sun exposure and its health hazards have many people slathering on these toxic lotions without any other thought or questions. The FDA admitted in 2007 that they “are not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that finding shade and using proper clothing articles such as hats should be the first barriers for UV radiation exposure. This agency also added that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun.”

    Retinyl palmitate is used in formulas to promote skin health and is intended for use as an antioxidant. Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hyperplasia (excessive skin growth) and in sunlight retinyl palmitate forms free radicals that damage DNA.

    Other Harmful Ingredients Found in Sunscreen

    Many other ingredients found in sunscreen are absorbed into the skin and passed into blood circulation. Sunscreens typically contain a mixture of these harmful substances:

    PABA esters
    Menthyl anthranilate
    Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)
    Digalloyl trioleate
    Benzophenoones (dioxybenzone, oxybenzone)
    These ingredients have been associated with allergies, promote abnormalities in reproductive development, cause behavioral changes, and disrupt hormonal pathways.

    Estrogenic Industrial Toxins

    All of these compounds are extremely toxic to our skin and the rest of the body. These toxins create large quantities of free radicals which promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a powerful carcinogen that causes genetic mutations. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen in the body which leads to hormonal changes and the increase of cancer cell development.

    Tropical oils such as eucalyptus, coconut, jojoba, and shea butter are natural sunscreen protectants. When applied appropriately, zinc oxide is another natural and powerful substance to prevent against the damaging consequences of over sun exposure.

    Chemicals in Sunscreen Harm Skin

    A study performed at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, found that the skin contains a variety of microbes. These skin microbes are naturally intended to enhance skin health. However, research shows that our exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals in our personal care products interact and adversely affect these helpful microbes.

    An estimated one billion bacteria colonize every square centimeter of the skin. Twenty-five percent of this microbial population thrives beneath the surface of the skin in hair follicles and sweat glands. This complex environment of microorganisms is essential for homeostasis. Altering this microbiome can directly contribute to disease and change our body’s natural sensors to infection, pain, and stress.

    Many of the ingredients in these sunscreens are UV filters which are designed to filter UV radiation from penetrating the skin. Instead these compounds penetrate the epidermal layers of the skin over a short period of time leaving zero sun protectant. Lathering your skin with these toxic lotions changes your skin pH adversely affecting the bacterial colonies which promote skin health.

    Preventing Over Sun Exposure

    If you plan on spending significant time in the sun it is always recommended to wear hats and protective clothing articles to prevent overexposure. Applying aloe vera or coconut oil before and after sun exposure nourishes the skin and helps to ease pain from the sun’s rays. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent healing agents which enhance skin microflora.

    Plan accordingly when you plan on spending time outside. If you are spending time at the beach or pool bring your own umbrella if the facility does not provide one. Pop up beach tents are also easily assembled and light to carry to provide an escape from both direct heat and the sun’s rays.

    Another natural way to protect your body from the dangers of too much sun exposure is to protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming a healthy diet rich in foods with powerful antioxidants boosts the healing capacity of your skin. Consider supplementing your summer meals with steamed carrots, fresh pressed juices, and foods such as spirulina and a variety of algae which contain natural sun protection. Pack healthy snacks to go that nourish your body and boost vitamin C levels in the skin such as oranges, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

    Recipe for Homemade Sunscreen

    Even non-chemical sunscreens which contain minerals may have been mixed with chemicals, and products labeled as “hypoallergenic” contain hazardous ingredients. Instead, prepare your own natural sunscreen lotion made with extracts that contain a natural SPF.

    • ½ cup almond oil
    • ¼ cup coconut oil
    • ¼ cup vitamin E
    • ¼ cup beeswax or shea butter
    • 5-10 drops of your favorite (non-citrus) essential oil fragrance if desired

    1. Combine ingredients into a pot and place over low heat.
    2. Stir ingredients until well combined and distribute into small mason jars for storage.
    3. Store in a cool and dry place until ready for use.

  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 00:40 (8 år sen)

    NOT ALL Sunscreen lotions sold in superstores are Good actually! In fact Sunscreen lotions have numerous combinations of chemicals that have been shown to block both UVA and UVB radiation exposure thus preventing sunburn. But these mixtures have also been shown to accelerate your risk of cancer and are linked to harmful health effects. Instead, consider natural strategies to optimize your time in the sun to boost your health without the use of chemical cocktails.

    UV radiation from sunlight naturally provides the body with essential stress. When the skin receives this stimulus from UV rays, a molecule on the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol is stimulated to convert it to the active form of vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) production is dependent on UVB radiation which is only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin called the epidermis.

    Cancer Risk and Vitamin D

    Today, vitamin D deficiency is an alarming epidemic affecting 90% of the world’s population. Vitamin D expert Michael Holick states that “we estimate that vitamin D is the most common medical condition in the world.” Clearly it is evident that the majority of individuals are not receiving healthy amounts of sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an elevated risk of nearly all types of cancers such as skin cancer as well as autoimmune and cardiovascular disease.

    Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that has been linked to excessive sun exposure. On the other hand, scientific research has shown that people who lather on sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma. Furthermore, individuals with melanoma who received greater amounts of sun exposure than did others who received less actually had a lower mortality rate. Those individuals with increased sun exposure were less prone to develop an aggressive type of tumor.

    Sunscreen Ingredients are a Toxic Soup

    Concerns regarding excessive sun exposure and its health hazards have many people slathering on these toxic lotions without any other thought or questions. The FDA admitted in 2007 that they “are not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that finding shade and using proper clothing articles such as hats should be the first barriers for UV radiation exposure. This agency also added that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun.”

    Retinyl palmitate is used in formulas to promote skin health and is intended for use as an antioxidant. Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hyperplasia (excessive skin growth) and in sunlight retinyl palmitate forms free radicals that damage DNA.

    Other Harmful Ingredients Found in Sunscreen

    Many other ingredients found in sunscreen are absorbed into the skin and passed into blood circulation. Sunscreens typically contain a mixture of these harmful substances:

    PABA esters
    Menthyl anthranilate
    Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)
    Digalloyl trioleate
    Benzophenoones (dioxybenzone, oxybenzone)
    These ingredients have been associated with allergies, promote abnormalities in reproductive development, cause behavioral changes, and disrupt hormonal pathways.

    Estrogenic Industrial Toxins

    All of these compounds are extremely toxic to our skin and the rest of the body. These toxins create large quantities of free radicals which promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a powerful carcinogen that causes genetic mutations. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen in the body which leads to hormonal changes and the increase of cancer cell development.

    Tropical oils such as eucalyptus, coconut, jojoba, and shea butter are natural sunscreen protectants. When applied appropriately, zinc oxide is another natural and powerful substance to prevent against the damaging consequences of over sun exposure.

    Chemicals in Sunscreen Harm Skin

    A study performed at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, found that the skin contains a variety of microbes. These skin microbes are naturally intended to enhance skin health. However, research shows that our exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals in our personal care products interact and adversely affect these helpful microbes.

    An estimated one billion bacteria colonize every square centimeter of the skin. Twenty-five percent of this microbial population thrives beneath the surface of the skin in hair follicles and sweat glands. This complex environment of microorganisms is essential for homeostasis. Altering this microbiome can directly contribute to disease and change our body’s natural sensors to infection, pain, and stress.

    Many of the ingredients in these sunscreens are UV filters which are designed to filter UV radiation from penetrating the skin. Instead these compounds penetrate the epidermal layers of the skin over a short period of time leaving zero sun protectant. Lathering your skin with these toxic lotions changes your skin pH adversely affecting the bacterial colonies which promote skin health.

    Preventing Over Sun Exposure

    If you plan on spending significant time in the sun it is always recommended to wear hats and protective clothing articles to prevent overexposure. Applying aloe vera or coconut oil before and after sun exposure nourishes the skin and helps to ease pain from the sun’s rays. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent healing agents which enhance skin microflora.

    Plan accordingly when you plan on spending time outside. If you are spending time at the beach or pool bring your own umbrella if the facility does not provide one. Pop up beach tents are also easily assembled and light to carry to provide an escape from both direct heat and the sun’s rays.

    Another natural way to protect your body from the dangers of too much sun exposure is to protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming a healthy diet rich in foods with powerful antioxidants boosts the healing capacity of your skin. Consider supplementing your summer meals with steamed carrots, fresh pressed juices, and foods such as spirulina and a variety of algae which contain natural sun protection. Pack healthy snacks to go that nourish your body and boost vitamin C levels in the skin such as oranges, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

    Recipe for Homemade Sunscreen

    Even non-chemical sunscreens which contain minerals may have been mixed with chemicals, and products labeled as “hypoallergenic” contain hazardous ingredients. Instead, prepare your own natural sunscreen lotion made with extracts that contain a natural SPF.

    • ½ cup almond oil
    • ¼ cup coconut oil
    • ¼ cup vitamin E
    • ¼ cup beeswax or shea butter
    • 5-10 drops of your favorite (non-citrus) essential oil fragrance if desired

    1. Combine ingredients into a pot and place over low heat.
    2. Stir ingredients until well combined and distribute into small mason jars for storage.
    3. Store in a cool and dry place until ready for use.

  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 00:32 (8 år sen)

    NOT ALL Sunscreen lotions sold in superstores are Good actually! In fact Sunscreen lotions have numerous combinations of chemicals that have been shown to block both UVA and UVB radiation exposure thus preventing sunburn. But these mixtures have also been shown to accelerate your risk of cancer and are linked to harmful health effects. Instead, consider natural strategies to optimize your time in the sun to boost your health without the use of chemical cocktails.

    UV radiation from sunlight naturally provides the body with essential stress. When the skin receives this stimulus from UV rays, a molecule on the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol is stimulated to convert it to the active form of vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) production is dependent on UVB radiation which is only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin called the epidermis.

    Cancer Risk and Vitamin D

    Today, vitamin D deficiency is an alarming epidemic affecting 90% of the world’s population. Vitamin D expert Michael Holick states that “we estimate that vitamin D is the most common medical condition in the world.” Clearly it is evident that the majority of individuals are not receiving healthy amounts of sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an elevated risk of nearly all types of cancers such as skin cancer as well as autoimmune and cardiovascular disease.

    Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that has been linked to excessive sun exposure. On the other hand, scientific research has shown that people who lather on sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma. Furthermore, individuals with melanoma who received greater amounts of sun exposure than did others who received less actually had a lower mortality rate. Those individuals with increased sun exposure were less prone to develop an aggressive type of tumor.

    Sunscreen Ingredients are a Toxic Soup

    Concerns regarding excessive sun exposure and its health hazards have many people slathering on these toxic lotions without any other thought or questions. The FDA admitted in 2007 that they “are not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that finding shade and using proper clothing articles such as hats should be the first barriers for UV radiation exposure. This agency also added that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun.”

    Retinyl palmitate is used in formulas to promote skin health and is intended for use as an antioxidant. Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hyperplasia (excessive skin growth) and in sunlight retinyl palmitate forms free radicals that damage DNA.

    Other Harmful Ingredients Found in Sunscreen

    Many other ingredients found in sunscreen are absorbed into the skin and passed into blood circulation. Sunscreens typically contain a mixture of these harmful substances:

    PABA esters
    Menthyl anthranilate
    Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)
    Digalloyl trioleate
    Benzophenoones (dioxybenzone, oxybenzone)
    These ingredients have been associated with allergies, promote abnormalities in reproductive development, cause behavioral changes, and disrupt hormonal pathways.

    Estrogenic Industrial Toxins

    All of these compounds are extremely toxic to our skin and the rest of the body. These toxins create large quantities of free radicals which promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a powerful carcinogen that causes genetic mutations. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen in the body which leads to hormonal changes and the increase of cancer cell development.

    Tropical oils such as eucalyptus, coconut, jojoba, and shea butter are natural sunscreen protectants. When applied appropriately, zinc oxide is another natural and powerful substance to prevent against the damaging consequences of over sun exposure.

    Chemicals in Sunscreen Harm Skin

    A study performed at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, found that the skin contains a variety of microbes. These skin microbes are naturally intended to enhance skin health. However, research shows that our exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals in our personal care products interact and adversely affect these helpful microbes.

    An estimated one billion bacteria colonize every square centimeter of the skin. Twenty-five percent of this microbial population thrives beneath the surface of the skin in hair follicles and sweat glands. This complex environment of microorganisms is essential for homeostasis. Altering this microbiome can directly contribute to disease and change our body’s natural sensors to infection, pain, and stress.

    Many of the ingredients in these sunscreens are UV filters which are designed to filter UV radiation from penetrating the skin. Instead these compounds penetrate the epidermal layers of the skin over a short period of time leaving zero sun protectant. Lathering your skin with these toxic lotions changes your skin pH adversely affecting the bacterial colonies which promote skin health.

    Preventing Over Sun Exposure

    If you plan on spending significant time in the sun it is always recommended to wear hats and protective clothing articles to prevent overexposure. Applying aloe vera or coconut oil before and after sun exposure nourishes the skin and helps to ease pain from the sun’s rays. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent healing agents which enhance skin microflora.

    Plan accordingly when you plan on spending time outside. If you are spending time at the beach or pool bring your own umbrella if the facility does not provide one. Pop up beach tents are also easily assembled and light to carry to provide an escape from both direct heat and the sun’s rays.

    Another natural way to protect your body from the dangers of too much sun exposure is to protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming a healthy diet rich in foods with powerful antioxidants boosts the healing capacity of your skin. Consider supplementing your summer meals with steamed carrots, fresh pressed juices, and foods such as spirulina and a variety of algae which contain natural sun protection. Pack healthy snacks to go that nourish your body and boost vitamin C levels in the skin such as oranges, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

    Recipe for Homemade Sunscreen

    Even non-chemical sunscreens which contain minerals may have been mixed with chemicals, and products labeled as “hypoallergenic” contain hazardous ingredients. Instead, prepare your own natural sunscreen lotion made with extracts that contain a natural SPF.

    • ½ cup almond oil
    • ¼ cup coconut oil
    • ¼ cup vitamin E
    • ¼ cup beeswax or shea butter
    • 5-10 drops of your favorite (non-citrus) essential oil fragrance if desired

    1. Combine ingredients into a pot and place over low heat.
    2. Stir ingredients until well combined and distribute into small mason jars for storage.
    3. Store in a cool and dry place until ready for use.

  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 00:34 (8 år sen)

    NOT ALL Sunscreen lotions sold in superstores are Good actually! In fact Sunscreen lotions have numerous combinations of chemicals that have been shown to block both UVA and UVB radiation exposure thus preventing sunburn. But these mixtures have also been shown to accelerate your risk of cancer and are linked to harmful health effects. Instead, consider natural strategies to optimize your time in the sun to boost your health without the use of chemical cocktails.

    UV radiation from sunlight naturally provides the body with essential stress. When the skin receives this stimulus from UV rays, a molecule on the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol is stimulated to convert it to the active form of vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) production is dependent on UVB radiation which is only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin called the epidermis.

    Cancer Risk and Vitamin D

    Today, vitamin D deficiency is an alarming epidemic affecting 90% of the world’s population. Vitamin D expert Michael Holick states that “we estimate that vitamin D is the most common medical condition in the world.” Clearly it is evident that the majority of individuals are not receiving healthy amounts of sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an elevated risk of nearly all types of cancers such as skin cancer as well as autoimmune and cardiovascular disease.

    Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that has been linked to excessive sun exposure. On the other hand, scientific research has shown that people who lather on sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma. Furthermore, individuals with melanoma who received greater amounts of sun exposure than did others who received less actually had a lower mortality rate. Those individuals with increased sun exposure were less prone to develop an aggressive type of tumor.

    Sunscreen Ingredients are a Toxic Soup

    Concerns regarding excessive sun exposure and its health hazards have many people slathering on these toxic lotions without any other thought or questions. The FDA admitted in 2007 that they “are not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that finding shade and using proper clothing articles such as hats should be the first barriers for UV radiation exposure. This agency also added that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun.”

    Retinyl palmitate is used in formulas to promote skin health and is intended for use as an antioxidant. Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hyperplasia (excessive skin growth) and in sunlight retinyl palmitate forms free radicals that damage DNA.

    Other Harmful Ingredients Found in Sunscreen

    Many other ingredients found in sunscreen are absorbed into the skin and passed into blood circulation. Sunscreens typically contain a mixture of these harmful substances:

    PABA esters
    Menthyl anthranilate
    Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)
    Digalloyl trioleate
    Benzophenoones (dioxybenzone, oxybenzone)
    These ingredients have been associated with allergies, promote abnormalities in reproductive development, cause behavioral changes, and disrupt hormonal pathways.

    Estrogenic Industrial Toxins

    All of these compounds are extremely toxic to our skin and the rest of the body. These toxins create large quantities of free radicals which promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a powerful carcinogen that causes genetic mutations. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen in the body which leads to hormonal changes and the increase of cancer cell development.

    Tropical oils such as eucalyptus, coconut, jojoba, and shea butter are natural sunscreen protectants. When applied appropriately, zinc oxide is another natural and powerful substance to prevent against the damaging consequences of over sun exposure.

    Chemicals in Sunscreen Harm Skin

    A study performed at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, found that the skin contains a variety of microbes. These skin microbes are naturally intended to enhance skin health. However, research shows that our exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals in our personal care products interact and adversely affect these helpful microbes.

    An estimated one billion bacteria colonize every square centimeter of the skin. Twenty-five percent of this microbial population thrives beneath the surface of the skin in hair follicles and sweat glands. This complex environment of microorganisms is essential for homeostasis. Altering this microbiome can directly contribute to disease and change our body’s natural sensors to infection, pain, and stress.

    Many of the ingredients in these sunscreens are UV filters which are designed to filter UV radiation from penetrating the skin. Instead these compounds penetrate the epidermal layers of the skin over a short period of time leaving zero sun protectant. Lathering your skin with these toxic lotions changes your skin pH adversely affecting the bacterial colonies which promote skin health.

    Preventing Over Sun Exposure

    If you plan on spending significant time in the sun it is always recommended to wear hats and protective clothing articles to prevent overexposure. Applying aloe vera or coconut oil before and after sun exposure nourishes the skin and helps to ease pain from the sun’s rays. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent healing agents which enhance skin microflora.

    Plan accordingly when you plan on spending time outside. If you are spending time at the beach or pool bring your own umbrella if the facility does not provide one. Pop up beach tents are also easily assembled and light to carry to provide an escape from both direct heat and the sun’s rays.

    Another natural way to protect your body from the dangers of too much sun exposure is to protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming a healthy diet rich in foods with powerful antioxidants boosts the healing capacity of your skin. Consider supplementing your summer meals with steamed carrots, fresh pressed juices, and foods such as spirulina and a variety of algae which contain natural sun protection. Pack healthy snacks to go that nourish your body and boost vitamin C levels in the skin such as oranges, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

    Recipe for Homemade Sunscreen

    Even non-chemical sunscreens which contain minerals may have been mixed with chemicals, and products labeled as “hypoallergenic” contain hazardous ingredients. Instead, prepare your own natural sunscreen lotion made with extracts that contain a natural SPF.

    • ½ cup almond oil
    • ¼ cup coconut oil
    • ¼ cup vitamin E
    • ¼ cup beeswax or shea butter
    • 5-10 drops of your favorite (non-citrus) essential oil fragrance if desired

    1. Combine ingredients into a pot and place over low heat.
    2. Stir ingredients until well combined and distribute into small mason jars for storage.
    3. Store in a cool and dry place until ready for use.

  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 00:44 (8 år sen)

    NOT ALL Sunscreen lotions sold in superstores are Good actually! In fact Sunscreen lotions have numerous combinations of chemicals that have been shown to block both UVA and UVB radiation exposure thus preventing sunburn. But these mixtures have also been shown to accelerate your risk of cancer and are linked to harmful health effects. Instead, consider natural strategies to optimize your time in the sun to boost your health without the use of chemical cocktails.

    UV radiation from sunlight naturally provides the body with essential stress. When the skin receives this stimulus from UV rays, a molecule on the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol is stimulated to convert it to the active form of vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) production is dependent on UVB radiation which is only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin called the epidermis.

    Cancer Risk and Vitamin D

    Today, vitamin D deficiency is an alarming epidemic affecting 90% of the world’s population. Vitamin D expert Michael Holick states that “we estimate that vitamin D is the most common medical condition in the world.” Clearly it is evident that the majority of individuals are not receiving healthy amounts of sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an elevated risk of nearly all types of cancers such as skin cancer as well as autoimmune and cardiovascular disease.

    Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that has been linked to excessive sun exposure. On the other hand, scientific research has shown that people who lather on sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma. Furthermore, individuals with melanoma who received greater amounts of sun exposure than did others who received less actually had a lower mortality rate. Those individuals with increased sun exposure were less prone to develop an aggressive type of tumor.

    Sunscreen Ingredients are a Toxic Soup

    Concerns regarding excessive sun exposure and its health hazards have many people slathering on these toxic lotions without any other thought or questions. The FDA admitted in 2007 that they “are not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that finding shade and using proper clothing articles such as hats should be the first barriers for UV radiation exposure. This agency also added that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun.”

    Retinyl palmitate is used in formulas to promote skin health and is intended for use as an antioxidant. Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hyperplasia (excessive skin growth) and in sunlight retinyl palmitate forms free radicals that damage DNA.

    Other Harmful Ingredients Found in Sunscreen

    Many other ingredients found in sunscreen are absorbed into the skin and passed into blood circulation. Sunscreens typically contain a mixture of these harmful substances:

    PABA esters
    Menthyl anthranilate
    Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)
    Digalloyl trioleate
    Benzophenoones (dioxybenzone, oxybenzone)
    These ingredients have been associated with allergies, promote abnormalities in reproductive development, cause behavioral changes, and disrupt hormonal pathways.

    Estrogenic Industrial Toxins

    All of these compounds are extremely toxic to our skin and the rest of the body. These toxins create large quantities of free radicals which promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a powerful carcinogen that causes genetic mutations. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen in the body which leads to hormonal changes and the increase of cancer cell development.

    Tropical oils such as eucalyptus, coconut, jojoba, and shea butter are natural sunscreen protectants. When applied appropriately, zinc oxide is another natural and powerful substance to prevent against the damaging consequences of over sun exposure.

    Chemicals in Sunscreen Harm Skin

    A study performed at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, found that the skin contains a variety of microbes. These skin microbes are naturally intended to enhance skin health. However, research shows that our exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals in our personal care products interact and adversely affect these helpful microbes.

    An estimated one billion bacteria colonize every square centimeter of the skin. Twenty-five percent of this microbial population thrives beneath the surface of the skin in hair follicles and sweat glands. This complex environment of microorganisms is essential for homeostasis. Altering this microbiome can directly contribute to disease and change our body’s natural sensors to infection, pain, and stress.

    Many of the ingredients in these sunscreens are UV filters which are designed to filter UV radiation from penetrating the skin. Instead these compounds penetrate the epidermal layers of the skin over a short period of time leaving zero sun protectant. Lathering your skin with these toxic lotions changes your skin pH adversely affecting the bacterial colonies which promote skin health.

    Preventing Over Sun Exposure

    If you plan on spending significant time in the sun it is always recommended to wear hats and protective clothing articles to prevent overexposure. Applying aloe vera or coconut oil before and after sun exposure nourishes the skin and helps to ease pain from the sun’s rays. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent healing agents which enhance skin microflora.

    Plan accordingly when you plan on spending time outside. If you are spending time at the beach or pool bring your own umbrella if the facility does not provide one. Pop up beach tents are also easily assembled and light to carry to provide an escape from both direct heat and the sun’s rays.

    Another natural way to protect your body from the dangers of too much sun exposure is to protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming a healthy diet rich in foods with powerful antioxidants boosts the healing capacity of your skin. Consider supplementing your summer meals with steamed carrots, fresh pressed juices, and foods such as spirulina and a variety of algae which contain natural sun protection. Pack healthy snacks to go that nourish your body and boost vitamin C levels in the skin such as oranges, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

    Recipe for Homemade Sunscreen

    Even non-chemical sunscreens which contain minerals may have been mixed with chemicals, and products labeled as “hypoallergenic” contain hazardous ingredients. Instead, prepare your own natural sunscreen lotion made with extracts that contain a natural SPF.

    • ½ cup almond oil
    • ¼ cup coconut oil
    • ¼ cup vitamin E
    • ¼ cup beeswax or shea butter
    • 5-10 drops of your favorite (non-citrus) essential oil fragrance if desired

    1. Combine ingredients into a pot and place over low heat.
    2. Stir ingredients until well combined and distribute into small mason jars for storage.
    3. Store in a cool and dry place until ready for use.

  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 00:20 (8 år sen)

    NOT ALL Sunscreen lotions sold in superstores are Good actually! In fact Sunscreen lotions have numerous combinations of chemicals that have been shown to block both UVA and UVB radiation exposure thus preventing sunburn. But these mixtures have also been shown to accelerate your risk of cancer and are linked to harmful health effects. Instead, consider natural strategies to optimize your time in the sun to boost your health without the use of chemical cocktails.

    UV radiation from sunlight naturally provides the body with essential stress. When the skin receives this stimulus from UV rays, a molecule on the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol is stimulated to convert it to the active form of vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) production is dependent on UVB radiation which is only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin called the epidermis.

    Cancer Risk and Vitamin D

    Today, vitamin D deficiency is an alarming epidemic affecting 90% of the world’s population. Vitamin D expert Michael Holick states that “we estimate that vitamin D is the most common medical condition in the world.” Clearly it is evident that the majority of individuals are not receiving healthy amounts of sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an elevated risk of nearly all types of cancers such as skin cancer as well as autoimmune and cardiovascular disease.

    Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that has been linked to excessive sun exposure. On the other hand, scientific research has shown that people who lather on sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma. Furthermore, individuals with melanoma who received greater amounts of sun exposure than did others who received less actually had a lower mortality rate. Those individuals with increased sun exposure were less prone to develop an aggressive type of tumor.

    Sunscreen Ingredients are a Toxic Soup

    Concerns regarding excessive sun exposure and its health hazards have many people slathering on these toxic lotions without any other thought or questions. The FDA admitted in 2007 that they “are not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that finding shade and using proper clothing articles such as hats should be the first barriers for UV radiation exposure. This agency also added that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun.”

    Retinyl palmitate is used in formulas to promote skin health and is intended for use as an antioxidant. Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hyperplasia (excessive skin growth) and in sunlight retinyl palmitate forms free radicals that damage DNA.

    Other Harmful Ingredients Found in Sunscreen

    Many other ingredients found in sunscreen are absorbed into the skin and passed into blood circulation. Sunscreens typically contain a mixture of these harmful substances:

    PABA esters
    Menthyl anthranilate
    Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)
    Digalloyl trioleate
    Benzophenoones (dioxybenzone, oxybenzone)
    These ingredients have been associated with allergies, promote abnormalities in reproductive development, cause behavioral changes, and disrupt hormonal pathways.

    Estrogenic Industrial Toxins

    All of these compounds are extremely toxic to our skin and the rest of the body. These toxins create large quantities of free radicals which promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a powerful carcinogen that causes genetic mutations. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen in the body which leads to hormonal changes and the increase of cancer cell development.

    Tropical oils such as eucalyptus, coconut, jojoba, and shea butter are natural sunscreen protectants. When applied appropriately, zinc oxide is another natural and powerful substance to prevent against the damaging consequences of over sun exposure.

    Chemicals in Sunscreen Harm Skin

    A study performed at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, found that the skin contains a variety of microbes. These skin microbes are naturally intended to enhance skin health. However, research shows that our exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals in our personal care products interact and adversely affect these helpful microbes.

    An estimated one billion bacteria colonize every square centimeter of the skin. Twenty-five percent of this microbial population thrives beneath the surface of the skin in hair follicles and sweat glands. This complex environment of microorganisms is essential for homeostasis. Altering this microbiome can directly contribute to disease and change our body’s natural sensors to infection, pain, and stress.

    Many of the ingredients in these sunscreens are UV filters which are designed to filter UV radiation from penetrating the skin. Instead these compounds penetrate the epidermal layers of the skin over a short period of time leaving zero sun protectant. Lathering your skin with these toxic lotions changes your skin pH adversely affecting the bacterial colonies which promote skin health.

    Preventing Over Sun Exposure

    If you plan on spending significant time in the sun it is always recommended to wear hats and protective clothing articles to prevent overexposure. Applying aloe vera or coconut oil before and after sun exposure nourishes the skin and helps to ease pain from the sun’s rays. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent healing agents which enhance skin microflora.

    Plan accordingly when you plan on spending time outside. If you are spending time at the beach or pool bring your own umbrella if the facility does not provide one. Pop up beach tents are also easily assembled and light to carry to provide an escape from both direct heat and the sun’s rays.

    Another natural way to protect your body from the dangers of too much sun exposure is to protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming a healthy diet rich in foods with powerful antioxidants boosts the healing capacity of your skin. Consider supplementing your summer meals with steamed carrots, fresh pressed juices, and foods such as spirulina and a variety of algae which contain natural sun protection. Pack healthy snacks to go that nourish your body and boost vitamin C levels in the skin such as oranges, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

    Recipe for Homemade Sunscreen

    Even non-chemical sunscreens which contain minerals may have been mixed with chemicals, and products labeled as “hypoallergenic” contain hazardous ingredients. Instead, prepare your own natural sunscreen lotion made with extracts that contain a natural SPF.

    • ½ cup almond oil
    • ¼ cup coconut oil
    • ¼ cup vitamin E
    • ¼ cup beeswax or shea butter
    • 5-10 drops of your favorite (non-citrus) essential oil fragrance if desired

    1. Combine ingredients into a pot and place over low heat.
    2. Stir ingredients until well combined and distribute into small mason jars for storage.
    3. Store in a cool and dry place until ready for use.

  • Avatar Tidigare användare 2017-05-10 00:59 (8 år sen)

    NOT ALL Sunscreen lotions sold in superstores are Good actually! In fact Sunscreen lotions have numerous combinations of chemicals that have been shown to block both UVA and UVB radiation exposure thus preventing sunburn. But these mixtures have also been shown to accelerate your risk of cancer and are linked to harmful health effects. Instead, consider natural strategies to optimize your time in the sun to boost your health without the use of chemical cocktails.

    UV radiation from sunlight naturally provides the body with essential stress. When the skin receives this stimulus from UV rays, a molecule on the skin called 7-dehydrocholesterol is stimulated to convert it to the active form of vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) production is dependent on UVB radiation which is only able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin called the epidermis.

    Cancer Risk and Vitamin D

    Today, vitamin D deficiency is an alarming epidemic affecting 90% of the world’s population. Vitamin D expert Michael Holick states that “we estimate that vitamin D is the most common medical condition in the world.” Clearly it is evident that the majority of individuals are not receiving healthy amounts of sun exposure. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with an elevated risk of nearly all types of cancers such as skin cancer as well as autoimmune and cardiovascular disease.

    Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that has been linked to excessive sun exposure. On the other hand, scientific research has shown that people who lather on sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma. Furthermore, individuals with melanoma who received greater amounts of sun exposure than did others who received less actually had a lower mortality rate. Those individuals with increased sun exposure were less prone to develop an aggressive type of tumor.

    Sunscreen Ingredients are a Toxic Soup

    Concerns regarding excessive sun exposure and its health hazards have many people slathering on these toxic lotions without any other thought or questions. The FDA admitted in 2007 that they “are not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends that finding shade and using proper clothing articles such as hats should be the first barriers for UV radiation exposure. This agency also added that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun.”

    Retinyl palmitate is used in formulas to promote skin health and is intended for use as an antioxidant. Vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hyperplasia (excessive skin growth) and in sunlight retinyl palmitate forms free radicals that damage DNA.

    Other Harmful Ingredients Found in Sunscreen

    Many other ingredients found in sunscreen are absorbed into the skin and passed into blood circulation. Sunscreens typically contain a mixture of these harmful substances:

    PABA esters
    Menthyl anthranilate
    Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)
    Digalloyl trioleate
    Benzophenoones (dioxybenzone, oxybenzone)
    These ingredients have been associated with allergies, promote abnormalities in reproductive development, cause behavioral changes, and disrupt hormonal pathways.

    Estrogenic Industrial Toxins

    All of these compounds are extremely toxic to our skin and the rest of the body. These toxins create large quantities of free radicals which promote oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a powerful carcinogen that causes genetic mutations. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen in the body which leads to hormonal changes and the increase of cancer cell development.

    Tropical oils such as eucalyptus, coconut, jojoba, and shea butter are natural sunscreen protectants. When applied appropriately, zinc oxide is another natural and powerful substance to prevent against the damaging consequences of over sun exposure.

    Chemicals in Sunscreen Harm Skin

    A study performed at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, found that the skin contains a variety of microbes. These skin microbes are naturally intended to enhance skin health. However, research shows that our exposure to environmental hazards such as chemicals in our personal care products interact and adversely affect these helpful microbes.

    An estimated one billion bacteria colonize every square centimeter of the skin. Twenty-five percent of this microbial population thrives beneath the surface of the skin in hair follicles and sweat glands. This complex environment of microorganisms is essential for homeostasis. Altering this microbiome can directly contribute to disease and change our body’s natural sensors to infection, pain, and stress.

    Many of the ingredients in these sunscreens are UV filters which are designed to filter UV radiation from penetrating the skin. Instead these compounds penetrate the epidermal layers of the skin over a short period of time leaving zero sun protectant. Lathering your skin with these toxic lotions changes your skin pH adversely affecting the bacterial colonies which promote skin health.

    Preventing Over Sun Exposure

    If you plan on spending significant time in the sun it is always recommended to wear hats and protective clothing articles to prevent overexposure. Applying aloe vera or coconut oil before and after sun exposure nourishes the skin and helps to ease pain from the sun’s rays. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent healing agents which enhance skin microflora.

    Plan accordingly when you plan on spending time outside. If you are spending time at the beach or pool bring your own umbrella if the facility does not provide one. Pop up beach tents are also easily assembled and light to carry to provide an escape from both direct heat and the sun’s rays.

    Another natural way to protect your body from the dangers of too much sun exposure is to protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming a healthy diet rich in foods with powerful antioxidants boosts the healing capacity of your skin. Consider supplementing your summer meals with steamed carrots, fresh pressed juices, and foods such as spirulina and a variety of algae which contain natural sun protection. Pack healthy snacks to go that nourish your body and boost vitamin C levels in the skin such as oranges, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.

    Recipe for Homemade Sunscreen

    Even non-chemical sunscreens which contain minerals may have been mixed with chemicals, and products labeled as “hypoallergenic” contain hazardous ingredients. Instead, prepare your own natural sunscreen lotion made with extracts that contain a natural SPF.

    • ½ cup almond oil
    • ¼ cup coconut oil
    • ¼ cup vitamin E
    • ¼ cup beeswax or shea butter
    • 5-10 drops of your favorite (non-citrus) essential oil fragrance if desired

    1. Combine ingredients into a pot and place over low heat.
    2. Stir ingredients until well combined and distribute into small mason jars for storage.
    3. Store in a cool and dry place until ready for use.

  • Avatar 2017-05-5 18:03 (8 år sen)

    Jag gick i tid till en Hudspecialist, men han nonschalerade mig och sa att jag skulle komma tillbaka om några månader. Jag frågade honom om det var malignt melanom, men han slog ifrån sig och sa bara nej,nej och han ville inte ta prov. Jag stod på mig, men fick vänta allt för länge både på provtagning och svar, så länge så jag fick metastaser strax före jag skulle opereras, för jag fick tyvärr rätt. Jag kan berätta mycket sorgligt om detta, men vill sluta med att be Er att visa och nämna dem lite mera ovanliga, som mitt, som satt som ett blåmärke under en stortånagel, nere vid nagelbädden. Det kanske kan sitta under naglarna på händerna också, jag vet inte, men Ni borde veta.

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